Omni Themes Helpdesk
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App: Section Builder
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How can I use a section for my theme?
Click on "Install to theme" button. Go to theme editor. Navigate to the places you want to add sections. Click "Add section" and look for "OT" in the search box. Now you can customize the section using its configurations.
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How can I know if my installed section is up-to-date?
Once you have installed a section to your theme successfully, that section will have an “installed” badge. If you have installed the latest version of that section, the badge state process icon is filled and the text “Installed” is displayed beside the theme name in the theme selector. On the other hand, if you have installed an outdated one, the badge state process icon is not filled and the text “Should update” is displayed.
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Do I need to code?
Our sections are designed with easy-to-understand configurations, with provides a high flexibility to utilize the sections in themes. Therefore, you don't need to know how to code to use our section.
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Which Shopify theme can I use Omni Themes sections with?
You can use Omni Themes sections with any 2.0 Shopify theme.
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Do I have to pay anything to use the app and sections?
Our app is FREE to install. It includes FREE and PAID section. We open a wide range of sections for free! Please enjoy customizing!
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